A Journey of Struggle and Divine Love

I contracted Hepatitis B virus at birth, as my mother was a carrier. Throughout my life, I managed the condition with entecavir and regular check-ups at Singapore General Hospital (SGH). My elder brother, also a carrier, tragically passed away from liver failure just before his 70th birthday on August 1, 2017. Being deeply involved in his care, I was profoundly affected by his passing.
On March 19, 2024, I noticed dark coloured urine and pale stools—symptoms all too familiar from my past and my late brother’s struggles. My wife and I rushed to SGH’s A&E where blood tests revealed alarming liver function issues, necessitating immediate hospitalisation. Despite intensive treatment and five plasma exchanges, my liver did not recover. By April 1, I agreed to be placed on the national transplant recipient waitlist.
On April 17, I received the news that a donor liver was available. I accepted it, and the surgery was successfully performed the next day. I was discharged from hospital on April 27, just in time to celebrate my 71st birthday two days later.
I contracted Hepatitis B virus at birth, as my mother was a carrier. Throughout my life, I managed the condition with entecavir and regular check-ups at Singapore General Hospital (SGH). My elder brother, also a carrier, tragically passed away from liver failure just before his 70th birthday on August 1, 2017. Being deeply involved in his care, I was profoundly affected by his passing.
On March 19, 2024, I noticed dark coloured urine and pale stools—symptoms all too familiar from my past and my late brother’s struggles. My wife and I rushed to SGH’s A&E where blood tests revealed alarming liver function issues, necessitating immediate hospitalisation. Despite intensive treatment and five plasma exchanges, my liver did not recover. By April 1, I agreed to be placed on the national transplant recipient waitlist.
On April 17, I received the news that a donor liver was available. I accepted it, and the surgery was successfully performed the next day. I was discharged from hospital on April 27, just in time to celebrate my 71st birthday two days later.
The constant need for tests wore down heavily on my spirit.
In the weeks leading to my surgery, I grappled with many fears:
- Wishing for Recovery: From March 19 to April 17, I prayed fervently for my sick liver to recover naturally, hoping to avoid the complexities and risks of a transplant, as well as the financial burden it entailed.
- The Wait: Each day of waiting on the national transplant waitlist filled me with anxiety. I had only 27 days before my 71st birthday, when I might lose eligibility for a cadaveric donor liver.
- Trauma of Tests: Daily blood draws and plasma exchanges drained me physically and emotionally. The constant need for tests wore down heavily on my spirit.
- Stress on Family and Friends: My loved ones visited daily, offering support despite their busy lives. I had to limit visitors and rest to let my liver recover, yet the longing for their presence which was a comfort, reminded me of the love surrounding me.
god’s comfort in my struggles
In those dark moments, negative thoughts and fears often overwhelmed me. Yet, I found solace in God’s Word, which calmed my heart and renewed my spirit:
- “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” — Luke 22:42
- “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.” — Lamentations 3:25
- “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me.” — Psalms 23:4
- “The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.” — Psalms 29:11
- “The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed.” — Psalms 41:3
- “God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering.” — Genesis 22:8
Though I prayed for a miraculous recovery, God provided a healthy liver just nine days before my eligibility for it ceased. This was truly a divine intervention. Even the challenges I faced—like complications with blood draws—were met with unexpected grace.
I am incredibly grateful to God for the excellent medical care at SGH and the compassion of the doctors, nurses, and staff. Financially, God eased my burdens through government subsidies, MediShield Life, and Medisave, even though these did not extend to many other expenses due to my pre-existing medical condition.
Throughout this ordeal, I was surrounded by the unwavering support and prayers of my family, friends, and church community. Their love gave me strength when I felt weak.
Later that day, the confirmation came—a profound sign of God’s presence.
The very morning before I received the news of the available liver, I experienced a sudden flash of white light that filled me with hope. Later that day, the confirmation came—a profound sign of God’s presence.
The surgery was a success, and my recovery was remarkably swift, surprising many medical staff. I was discharged on April 27, the very day I would have lost my place on the transplant waitlist if the liver were not available so timely —truly a birthday gift from God as I celebrated my 71st birthday two days later.
- God’s plans are better than anything I could have imagined.
- He taught me to wait on Him with peace.
- He provides beyond what I expected.
- He deepened my faith, teaching me to trust and rest in His peace.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s sovereignty and the unwavering love of Jesus throughout this journey. Despite the trials I faced, He gave me hope, strength, and a miraculous outcome. All glory be to God. Hallelujah!

- 渴望康复:从3月19日到4月17日,我为我的肝脏能自然恢复而迫切祈祷,希望能避免移植的复杂性和风险,以及由此带来的经济负担。
- 等待:在国家器官移植等待名单上的每一天,都让我感到焦虑。从加入名单到我71岁生日只有27天,届时我会失去接受供体肝脏的资格。
- 检查的创伤:每日抽血和换血都让我身心俱疲。持续的检查严重打击了我的精神。
- 对家人和朋友的压力:我的亲人每天都来探望,尽管他们的生活很忙。为了自己的恢复,我不得不限制探访人数,尽管他们的陪伴让我感到安慰,提供围绕着我的爱。
- “父啊,你若愿意,就把这杯撤去;然而,不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。” — 路加福音 22:42
- “凡等候耶和华,心里寻求他的,耶和华必施恩给他。”- 耶利米哀歌 3:25
- “我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在。” — 诗篇 23:4
- “耶和华必赐力量给自己的子民,赐给他们平安的福乐。” — 诗篇 29:11
- “他病重在榻,耶和华必扶持他;他在病中,你必给他铺床。”— 诗篇 41:3
- “神必自己预备燔祭的羊羔。”— 创世纪 22:8
我非常感激SGH提供的优秀医疗护理,以及医生、护士和工作人员的关怀。经济上,尽管很多费用依然需要承担,但神通过政府补贴、MediShield Life和Medisave减轻了我的负担。
- 神的计划比我能想象的更好。
- 祂教会我以平静的心等待祂。
- 祂提供超出我预期的恩典。
- 祂加深了我的信仰,教我信任并在祂的安宁中休憩。
Yeo Tiong Peng
A Member and Worshipper at Grace Methodist Church