
23 Oct: Role of Fathers

Over the years, I have learnt of the posture we ought to have when we serve God. Some Christians may think that to serve God, we must be perfect individuals. On the contrary, if we think this way, we could lose the joy of serving or simply forget that we are serving God.

When we serve God, we are on a journey of obedience and transformation. It calls for us to sacrifice the time, energy, and resources that God has graciously given us, so that we may in turn be a blessing to others. Each decision we make to surrender and submit to Him enables our faith to grow stronger.

My mother’s salvation was one particular challenge that God had used to strengthen my faith.

My faith grew stronger in getting my mother to accept Christ and be baptised. In this journey, I prayed a lot. This went on for years and when I grew tired and felt like giving up, God moved in quickly to show me that salvation belongs to the Lord.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Cor 3: 6-7)

14 Oct: Sabbatical – Refresh and Recharge

As quickly as the world is changing because of the pandemic, so our Church needs to continue working for the Lord. In this issue, we continue to witness how our Heavenly Father has been caring, growing, equipping, and using each and every one of His people for His glorious purposes.

18 Oct: The Christian Arena: Serving as the LCEC Chair

Over the years, I have learnt of the posture we ought to have when we serve God. Some Christians may think that to serve God, we must be perfect individuals. On the contrary, if we think this way, we could lose the joy of serving or simply forget that we are serving God.

When we serve God, we are on a journey of obedience and transformation. It calls for us to sacrifice the time, energy, and resources that God has graciously given us, so that we may in turn be a blessing to others. Each decision we make to surrender and submit to Him enables our faith to grow stronger.

My mother’s salvation was one particular challenge that God had used to strengthen my faith.

My faith grew stronger in getting my mother to accept Christ and be baptised. In this journey, I prayed a lot. This went on for years and when I grew tired and felt like giving up, God moved in quickly to show me that salvation belongs to the Lord.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Cor 3: 6-7)

11 Oct: The President’s Gallery: Humble Love 谦卑的爱

Over the years, I have learnt of the posture we ought to have when we serve God. Some Christians may think that to serve God, we must be perfect individuals. On the contrary, if we think this way, we could lose the joy of serving or simply forget that we are serving God.

When we serve God, we are on a journey of obedience and transformation. It calls for us to sacrifice the time, energy, and resources that God has graciously given us, so that we may in turn be a blessing to others. Each decision we make to surrender and submit to Him enables our faith to grow stronger.

My mother’s salvation was one particular challenge that God had used to strengthen my faith.

My faith grew stronger in getting my mother to accept Christ and be baptised. In this journey, I prayed a lot. This went on for years and when I grew tired and felt like giving up, God moved in quickly to show me that salvation belongs to the Lord.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Cor 3: 6-7)

18 Oct: The President’s Gallery: Our Families and Legacy of Faith 家庭与信仰的传承

Over the years, I have learnt of the posture we ought to have when we serve God. Some Christians may think that to serve God, we must be perfect individuals. On the contrary, if we think this way, we could lose the joy of serving or simply forget that we are serving God.

When we serve God, we are on a journey of obedience and transformation. It calls for us to sacrifice the time, energy, and resources that God has graciously given us, so that we may in turn be a blessing to others. Each decision we make to surrender and submit to Him enables our faith to grow stronger.

My mother’s salvation was one particular challenge that God had used to strengthen my faith.

My faith grew stronger in getting my mother to accept Christ and be baptised. In this journey, I prayed a lot. This went on for years and when I grew tired and felt like giving up, God moved in quickly to show me that salvation belongs to the Lord.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Cor 3: 6-7)

18 Oct: The President’s Gallery: When You See All These Things 当你们看见这一切

Over the years, I have learnt of the posture we ought to have when we serve God. Some Christians may think that to serve God, we must be perfect individuals. On the contrary, if we think this way, we could lose the joy of serving or simply forget that we are serving God.

When we serve God, we are on a journey of obedience and transformation. It calls for us to sacrifice the time, energy, and resources that God has graciously given us, so that we may in turn be a blessing to others. Each decision we make to surrender and submit to Him enables our faith to grow stronger.

My mother’s salvation was one particular challenge that God had used to strengthen my faith.

My faith grew stronger in getting my mother to accept Christ and be baptised. In this journey, I prayed a lot. This went on for years and when I grew tired and felt like giving up, God moved in quickly to show me that salvation belongs to the Lord.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Cor 3: 6-7)

15 Sep: The Sacrament of Holy Communion: Christ for the Church, and the Church for the World

The World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) has recently created a pamphlet to educate and inspire churches to approach the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion with a deeper understanding and significance.

As I delved into the enlightening content of the pamphlet concerning Holy Communion, it immediately reminded me of Alexander Schmemann’s renowned work, For the Life of the World. In this profound piece, Schmemann dismantles the false divisions between the secular and the sacred, the natural and the supernatural. He invites us to embrace the notion that the Christian life can be lived sacramentally within the fabric of our everyday existence. The sacrament of Holy Communion stands as the pinnacle experience of encountering and enjoying the divine presence of God amid our daily lives, empowering us to live sacramentally for the betterment of the world.

But how do we go about embracing our role as sacraments for the world? I find Henri Nouwen’s insightful concept of being taken, blessed, broken, and given, beautifully depicted in his book Life of the Beloved, to be profoundly helpful in illustrating this idea.