March 2020. What grew into the Covid19 pandemic has surely had its implications on our various plans as events were brought to postponement or cancellation; but we worship a God who is faithful and the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forevermore. In this issue, let us be reminded to continue being watchful in prayer and look to Christ in the season of Lent leading up to Good Friday and Easter. Witness the work of God and His people as churches persevere and adapt in unity to get through this challenging season. Also find in this issue the events that have happened and are coming up as we celebrate MCS135 this year! Read more below!
March 2020 Issue #417.
- The President’s Gallery 心灵相簿 Gethsemane 客西马尼大斋节期的意义
- Wesley Covenant Prayer 约翰卫斯理《立约祷文》
- 大年初一的敬拜(记女皇镇堂新年崇拜)
- “Glo…ria, in excelsis deo…”
- A Crisis Opportunity: United in Prayer, Trust in our Lord 危机:彼此祷告,信靠交托
- Covid-19 – CAC Prays Together 201 冠状病毒疫情 – 华人年议会每日灵修经文
- District Network Leaders’ Envisioning Night 2020 CAC Board of Youth Ministry
- The Cultural Mandate of Christians 基督徒的文化使命
- MCS135 Loving God, Serving Together 爱上帝,一起服事
- 约翰卫斯理说故事 “健壮的身体”