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Introducing CAC’s 2 New MOTs (2023)

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JASON LEE LE’EN 李乐恩 | 27 y/o

Home Church / 母堂:Sengkang Methodist Church 盛港堂
Appointed Church / 受委堂会:Bukit Panjang Methodist Church 武吉班让堂

About me / 自我介绍:

In January to March 2013, I attended a discipleship programme organised by the TRAC Board of Youth Ministries. On a mission trip to Yangon, I was reminded that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matt 9:37). This prompted me to discern whether God was leading me into full-time Christian ministry.

After years of consideration, I responded to the call to full-time ministry at the 2018 Methodist Young Leaders Conference (MYLC).

In 2020, I entered full-time theological studies at Trinity Theological College (TTC). In TTC, a thought came to me about ordination and joining the CAC. This was surprising to me because I was preparing myself to be a missionary. Nonetheless, I considered it seriously because I also wanted to be involved somehow in disciple-making efforts in the local church.

After much prayer and discernment with lecturers and pastors, I decided to apply for ordained ministry in the CAC in 2022.

My heart is filled with gratitude for the privilege to serve God in this manner. But at the same time, please pray for my wife (Shermaine) and son (Nathan) as they make their transition into a new church. Thank you!


Home Church / 母堂:Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church 女皇镇堂
Appointed Church / 受委堂会:Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church 宏茂桥堂

About me / 自我介绍:

My name is Jonathan Huang, and I grew up in a broken family. Growing up, I struggled with insecurity, identity, and financial issues due to my late father’s health. Only after I accepted Christ as a first-generation Christian at the age of 18 did I begin to feel the healing of my broken heart.

Because of my background, I wanted to shepherd and encourage others, just as my mentor did for me. Knowing how vital shepherding and mentoring are in a young person’s life fuelled my decision to become a pastor. My conviction is that God is calling me into the CAC, as I believe it is not a coincidence that my father had the opportunity to hear the gospel in his heart language and receive Christ due to my obedience to join the CAC years ago.

It is John 10:11 that challenges me to respond to my calling to follow Jesus in all I do. My belief is that this generation needs more examples of willing shepherds who will not only lay down their lives literally but also journey with them and go through storms together to strengthen their faith. It is an honour for me to join this great CAC family!
