2020年9月. 您是否因疫情搞到世界生活多变化而感到心烦?是否正等待着生活恢复回“正常”状态?本期《卫讯》定下《以不变应万变》为主题,探讨我们应对变化的心灵挣扎。
2020年9月 第419期
- The President’s Gallery 心灵相簿 The Harvest is Plentiful but the Labourers are Few 要收的庄稼多,做工的人少
- MCS Held its First Online General Conference 总议会首次举行线上议会
- Methodist Preschools
- Missions in the middle kingdom 相遇华夏上千年
- 专访张振忠会督 Interview with Bishop Chong Chin Chung
- BoWE CAC Alpha Conference 2020
- Joshua Khoo “Small Beginnings, Abundant Grace”
- 疫情中的事工:宗旨不移,形式灵活 Ministry during Covid-19: Adaptability amidst and Unchanging Purpose
- WE Malaysians Fellowship 唯马团契《不是我不想家,只是我回不了家》
- BOYM Finding Your Place
- 真实爱主是……
- 心意更新·与时并进
- 翰卫斯理说故事“过圣洁生活”