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《卫讯》- 2021年12月



Rev Jasper Ngoh 吴钧杰牧师

Reflecting on my journey so far, I think the biggest lesson that I’ve learnt and must continue to work on is the importance of humility. I see humility being modelled through my fellow bond servants of Jesus Christ, who have served genuinely, and out of their humility very effectively build up the body of Christ. It also humbles me to observe God’s mysterious ways of building up His own body through unexpected persons, and unexpected means…… I’m just so grateful for a community of fellow pilgrims, within the TA family…… the Wesleyan bands that I’m a part of, as well as a small group of CAC pastors who have been my source of inspiration and wisdom…… Special thanks to Christine and my troop of 4 critters at home, as well as our families—they have been most patient with me on my journey of service. Pray for me and my family to serve with unfailing love as we commit ourselves to a lifetime of witness and service. Glory be to God!

Rev Jacqueline Ho 何秀芳牧师

过去服事的学习与经历当中,最令我难忘的是每一次能够看见上帝所爱的儿女的生命被建立,领受主耶稣的爱与力量,重新回到主的面前…… 成为主忠心的门徒。从试用的年会会员到副牧的这几年中,我领会到生命中一个宝贵的功课那就是:常常需要以谦卑的心不断地学习…… 我非常感谢过去服事过的堂会的牧长与领袖…… (也)感谢我的家人使我能够坚固牧师、妻子以及母亲的责任…… 接下来,我会继续的和众弟兄姐妹一同服事、学习与成长,努力地为上帝的国度以及基督的福音来摆上。请继续为我祷告。

Rev Glenn Tan 陈书铭牧师

One of the most important lessons I’ve learnt and am still learning in my ministry journey is that people are invaluable. To me, the people that God has brought alongside us in the journey of ministry are often forgotten means of grace. I think that without them, ministry would be impossible. As such, it is with a grateful heart that I thank God for the people whom He has called to come alongside, to sojourn together…… As Paul wrote in Philippians 1, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now”…… May God continue to call us to run the race with perseverance until we see Christ again. Amen.

Rev Shawn Koh 许巽然牧师

耶稣在圣经里面告诉我们“凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。”…… 当我觉得服侍没有力或者是想要休息的时候,我都会尝试寻找耶稣,去到耶稣那里跟耶稣亲近…… 我常常提醒自己我要像耶稣一样。当人来到耶稣跟前时,他能够得到安息;当会友来到我跟前时,我必须把耶稣的那一份安息带给他们。In these 2 years of pastoral ministry, I realised that in order to effectively feed the flock, a shepherd must have a relationship with the flock. A sheep will only eat from your hand if the sheep recognises you. So, in these 2 years, I have spent a lot of time caring for all the people that are entrusted to me.

Rev Timothy Ang 洪培正牧师

I give thanks to God for calling me to this sacred work. I first sensed the calling during a church mission trip in the year 2000. It has been an experience of grace upon grace as our Heavenly Father has led me each step of the way, assuring me inwardly, and blessing me with godly mentors and fellow sojourners along the way. Special thanks to my wife, Velma, and our 3 children, as well as our families of origin…… I’m also indebted to my home church and spiritual family, Telok Ayer, for being the place of spiritual nurture…… I embark on ordained ministry with a sense of fear and trembling before God. I covet your prayers, that I may serve faithfully in the vocation of the care of souls, confident that the One who cares for my soul has given His life for me and will equipped me for whatever He has called me to do.

Rev Ong Bee Keow 王美娇牧师

I received my first appointment during the Special Session in Aug 2019. Having joined barely for 6 months, Covid-19 struck…… Then we started online services, buying the green screen, (and) setting up a recording space…… My online shopping hit a record high during that time. I remember I was always drenched after each sermon recording, because I had to close all the windows and there was no air-conditioning in the room. Those were the challenging times, but they were also teaching moments for me. Like the psalmist said: “I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth”. Indeed, I thank God that He kept me focused on His Word. Through meditation and reflection, I am brought closer to God.


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