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《卫讯》- 2020年12月




At the 45th Session of the Chinese Annual Conference, we witnessed the ordination of Rev Bernard Chng, Rev Florence Ngu, Rev Wang Hai Bin, Rev Joshua Ong, Rev Lin Ming Zhong, Rev Nathanael Goh and Rev Patrick Lim as Deacons. Read on to see the pastors’ message on their ordination.

Rev Bernard Chng 庄俊勇牧师
Growing up in the church, I’m inspired and blessed by many men and women of God. In 2009, I accepted God’s call to full time ministry. After some years of equipping and discerning my calling in the body of Christ, in 2017, I formally began my journey as a Methodist pastor in CAC. Ordination as a deacon affirms God’s call in my life. I’m grateful for His providential blessings, and indeed, God is faithful. I’m thankful for the encouragement and guidance I’ve received, that propels me to be a blessing to other people. It is my heart’s desire to participate more fully in the life of the Church and ordination is my commitment to a life of walking with Jesus, loving and serving as He did. I’m grateful for the support I’ve received from Lorraine and our 3 children, our family of origin and from the family of God, particularly in TA (Telok Ayer CMC). I’m also thankful for the college of pastors I belong to. It is a joy to walk this path with you, together as the body of Christ. To God be the glory.
Rev Florence Ngu 吴晓宁牧师
Rev Wang Hai Bin 王海斌牧师
Rev Joshua Ong 王志翔牧师
Rev Lin Ming Zhong 林明忠牧师
Rev Nathanael Goh 吴俊强牧师
My pastoral journey began when I was 17/18, on a mission trip to Cambodia where I felt the call to full time ministry. Since then, it’s been a long and winding journey. I went on to become a youth worker, then went to Trinity Theological College and did some internship at Charis Methodist Church before I left for my Doctoral studies in Durham University. Now I’m back in Singapore for the last 3 years, serving at Seng Kang Methodist Church, and also being a part of the Chinese Annual Conference. I have 2 words to describe how I feel about being ordained: 1) GRATEFUL – to God, CAC, fellow clergy, leaders, SKMC and her members, my family, friends, and mentors who have been guiding me throughout all these years. 2) INTENSIFICATION – My good brother Rev Edmund Koh reminds me: Once a Deacon, Always a Deacon. No matter what you become as a pastor, the fundamental first ordination is to the diaconate. Reflecting on that has made me feel a sense of intensification of God’s call in my life, fundamentally oriented towards service for Christ and His kingdom. Thank you all for your love, support, affirmation. Let’s continue to serve God together joyfully until the day we are face to face with Him.
Rev Patrick Lim 林国柱牧师

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