June 2020. This issue, a COVID-19 special. The church buildings may have been closed off due to the Circuit Breaker but the Church will never be. Thanks to online platforms such as Zoom, our CAC community has been able to continue worshiping God, to receive His Word and to gather (online!). This pandemic has affected the plans of many, but by the grace of God, His people have stood up to contribute to the Church’s adaptation towards the “new normal”. COVID-19 saw the sprouting of CAC’s first few online talks and webinars, new community outreach efforts by churches, and even new songs written by fellow CAC church members to encourage all during this period. Definitely have a read at the articles in this issue!
JUNE 2020 ISSUE #418.
- The President’s Gallery 心灵相簿 COVID-19 Moments and Reflections 冠状疫情带来的契机
- 会督张振忠牧师(博士)2020年新加坡雅德门大会《热爱上帝同心服事 … 心中异常温暖
- For God’s Sake, Submit!
- Living as Foreigners
- 从圣经看人际关系
- 冠状疫情下牧养乐龄信徒的再思
- 疫情中见主恩
- Love Your Neighbours As Yourself
- Board of Family Life 年会家庭事工部线上讲堂 Building Strong Families in Crisis “疫”起成长
- A Safe Refuge In Times of Trouble 安全的避难所
- COVID-19 Thanksgiving 疫情中感恩
- CACTogether in Prayers “疫”起祷告
- MCS135《 简易营养》食谱 — 简料、易煮、盛捐
- “Windows of Love” Board of Youth Ministry during COVID-19
- 就算身在幽谷 Even In The Valley
- Holding On
- Bible Storytime
- 约翰卫斯理说故事 “上大学了”
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