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Foochow Methodist Church

Name: Foochow Methodist Church (FMC)

District: 3

Location: Central

Language: English, Mandarin, Foochow, Tamil

Address: 90 Race Course Road Singapore 218577

Contact Telephone: (65) 6293 8757

Contact Email:



Foochow Methodist Church came into existence in mid-December 1897. Our Foochow Methodist Church is the second oldest church in the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore.

Despite the turbulence in world affairs and the many difficulties faced by our Church, more than a hundred years passed by as a day. The work of building up the church continued unabated. Praise be to God for His Grace and Guidance!

The first hundred years of our Church can be broadly divided into two periods:

The First Period: 1897 to 1936. The early Christian migrants from Foochow, China, were poor and many had to earn a living by pulling rickshaws. They wanted to have a pastor who could speak and preach to them in Foochow. Accordingly, Rev. Ling Chin Mee was appointed the first pastor and the Foochow Methodist Church was formed in 1897.

For the first forty years from 1897 to 1937, the Foochow Methodist Church had no church building of its own. Having a congregation of less than 100 persons, worship services were conducted in borrowed premises -initially in the little church building at Middle Road and later moving to ACS building at Coleman Street and to Tamil Methodist Church at Short Street. This first period was filled with hardships and it was only through faith, patience, and obedience to the Lord that our Church held firm.

The Second Period: 1937 to 1997. The next sixty years from 1937 was a period of steady progress both in building churches and in spiritual growth.
