Name: Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church (QCMC)
District: 4
Location: South
Language: Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese
Address: 400 Commonwealth Drive, Singapore 149604
Contact Telephone: (65) 64733226/
(65) 64753433
Contact Email: admin@qcmc.org.sg
Website: www.qcmc.org.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueenstownChineseMethodistChurch/
Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church stands as a testimony of the connection between the CAC and the Trinity Annual Conference. It was in 1964 that both the conferences came together to make possible the building, which houses both QCMC as well as Faith Methodist Church. QCMC’s continual upgrading speaks of the church’s desire to be constantly relevant in a rapidly changing society.