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Finding Your Place (FYP), the discipleship programme with a difference!

Finding Your Place (FYP), the discipleship programme with a difference!


Together with Sterling Campus, the Board of Youth Ministry completed the fourth run of FYP this year with 16 participants and 9 mentors, all from 10 CAC churches.

What’s the difference between FYP and other discipleship programmes? Our Marketplace focus. We don’t just seek to train youths towards full-time ministry or church leadership, but also help them discover how their faith matters in every aspect of their lives.


God’s Grand Story

Knowing God’s Grand Story helps us view our own stories in the right context as we seek to find our own calling and make sense of life.

Church History

Look back into the rich history of Christianity to know who we are and what lies ahead.

Wesleyan Theology

Who is John Wesley and what is his legacy for us Methodists? Find out about our Wesleyan heritage and distinctives. 

Spiritual Formation

Pause. Breathe.

Learn and practise spiritual disciplines as a community, led by our spiritual directors.

Christian Worldview

What does your faith have to do with arts, politics, science, business and family? Everything.  Learn to live all of life coram Deo – before the face of God, to partner God in all we do.

God’s Kingdom in Action

Meet Christian CEOs, artists, scientists, professionals and hear their stories of how their work contributes to God’s Shalom in their spheres. Take a Service-Learning trip to Chiang Rai and witness how Christians involved in Redemptive Enterprise are making a difference.


Who is FYP for?

Youths and young adults between the ages of 18 and 35, who 1) have questions about faith and life, 2) are wondering about God’s call for them, and 3) are from January to March 2024 to join FYP. These include those on a gap year, those waiting to go to university or National Service, fresh graduates, and those between jobs.

How is FYP Programme run?

The 3-month programme will be conducted in English, in-person on-site . Classes will run from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays, with community lunch, mentoring sessions, group bonding activities and service learning preparation on some afternoons.

How much are the course fees?

Members of CAC churches will enjoy a subsidised course fee of $300. Participants from non-CAC churches and churches of other denominations will each pay a discounted fee of $800 for the 3-month programme. Speak to your youth worker/pastor about receiving a monthly allowance for the 3-month duration.

How can churches get involved with or support FYP?

Encourage your youths and young adults to go for this discipleship programme, especially those who feel called to work in the marketplace and/or who have questions about their faith and its relevance to life. To support participation, churches are strongly encouraged to provide their participants with an allowance to cover their daily expenses and other events they will participate in during the course.


FYP has changed my perspective of the world and my future. I am now looking forward to many things in life and I developed a desire to please God in the things I do and decisions I make. God has also blessed me with amazing people in FYP and I could see God working in all of them and in FYP as a whole which further strengthens my faith which I’m so grateful for.
Lau Wei Chien

FYP really helped me put my faith into my life. It’s easy to separate our beliefs and our secular goals but these 3 months have been a very strong reminder and lesson on how God can and is in the everyday life.

Ethan Chan

FYP has blessed me with a newfound family in Christ. Through the lessons that we learned together, reflections and times of sharing, I was able to be vulnerable with the other participants, growing more each day. The phrase “Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” became a reality throughout the course. Now, I see the importance of viewing Church as family and take steps to foster a strong and close relationship with my own church members.
Jo-Anne Yeo

Join us in 2024! Look out for registration details to be released in November 2023.

To find out more about FYP, please visit

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Rev Simon Cheo
Associate Pastor at Geylang Chinese Methodist Church
Chairman of CAC Board of Youth Ministry
