DEC 2020 #420

29 Dec: Dust and Glory

In Genesis 2, we are told, “the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” One chapter later, the Lord says to the first man and woman: “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

22 Dec: Enthusiastic Responses of the Heart

“Day of Prayer for the Family” (DOP) was set as a priority ministry event by the Board of Family Life (BOFL) at its inception. Love for the family has to be based firmly on the foundation of prayer. Homes of Christians are precious because they carry the responsibility of spreading God’s word from generation to generation, and enlarging the place of the Lord’s tent.

29 Dec: Reflections

I am Kwok Wan Yee from Charis Methodist Church.  From 2014-2016, I was Vice President of CAC, and subsequently was elected as the 2017-2020 CAC Conference Lay Leader at the 2016 Chinese Annual Conference.  I have just stepped down as Conference Lay Leader in the next Quadrennium.