MYLC 2021 Love Excelling (Christian Perfection) | BoYM

The CAC Board of Youth Ministry (BoYM) Methodist Young Leaders’ Conference (MYLC) 2021 was held online from 18-19 June this year. Participants gathered on Zoom and joined in on this conference from their homes. Organised annually by the CAC BoYM, MYLC aims to gather and build up young leaders across our various CAC Churches.
After being put on hold last year 2020 due to Covid-19, MYLC 2021 returned with speaker Rev Wilfred Leow sharing on the theme Love Excelling (Christian Perfection). A total of 167 attendees coming from 16 different CAC churches explored the spiritual life journey of John Wesley, the idea of Christian perfection, and its biblical foundations.
We hear from those who attended MYLC 2021 on their reflections from this year’s conference.
Pr. Gareth, Grace Methodist Church | Mentor at MYLC 2021
“This sure won’t be very impactful”. That’s what I thought when I knew that MYLC 2021 was going to happen, but entirely on Zoom. I carried little expectations but tried to do my best as a mentor.
I thought through the games, did some reading up on Christian perfection, prayed for my group members the day before, and wrote digital cards for them. As expected, the relationships between group members did not grow deep over the 1.5 days.
However, group sharings were honest and vulnerable, their response to the theme talks earnest. I could sense a kindling of a sincere desire to grow the fruit of the Spirit, and pursue a life filled with Christ’s love.
What was most meaningful as a mentor was the chance to hear how God has been real in each of their lives. The same God is working and impacting them differently. I had the opportunity to be used by God—to speak into their lives and encourage them to pursue the God who loved them deeply.
Yes, it was less than ideal and not as impactful to have MYLC online, but it was an opportunity to see God at work. Yes, even during the pandemic through digital platforms.
Elena Yeo, Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church | MYLC 2021 Participant
Oh how good it is, when the family of God
Dwells together in spirit, in faith and unity.
Where the bonds of peace, of acceptance and love
Are the fruit of His presence here among us.
So with one voice we’ll sing to the Lord
And with one heart we’ll live out His word
Till the whole earth sees, the Redeemer has come
For He dwells in the presence of His people.
– “Oh, How Good It Is” by Gettys
MYLC 2021 takes a new turn as we move online. Some perks from this year’s conference include having an ever-active and humorous chat that ran on the side; seeing our youths and young adults turn up punctually for each segment (we did not have to wait for the lift this time!); being able to see everyone’s faces in the group photo, and having our unique MYLC culture hold true even though we were all online.
The committee thanks everyone for their active and committed participation, and we pray that relationships will continue to forge across our CAC churches. Let us continue helping each other grow in our ministries, towards Christian perfection, and nurture and build the younger generation.
Jerry, Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church | MYLC 2021 Participant
I am just so thankful to be able to be here this year. Thanks to Covid-19, MYLC 2021 was indeed a little underwhelming as compared to previous years. Yet, it was wonderfully timely. Instead of having 3 days filled with activities—intense worship, sermon sessions, and not to forget our beloved Johor Bahru, MYLC 2021 took a more homely turn.
I always remember having a ton of fun meeting and warming up to new friends in my CAC family, so it was a HUGE bummer not to be able to meet my groupmates face-to-face this year. That said, God very graciously introduced me to amazing people with such a fire for His Kingdom. They seemed shy playing games but their words of prayer and encouragement, as well as their openness in sharing their woes for their sheep, really amazed me of their heart for Jesus!
MYLC 2021 made me revisit my faith seriously after being dulled out by the health restrictions and the start of my National Service this year. Far from the standard, sin seems to be living with me; “overcome, but not rooted out”. However, I am reminded that sin is and can be destroyed by God’s work of sanctification, and to not let this slow period of life dictate God’s work in my life. He is still moving; He is still refining me.