Leading worship all through life
Author: Ong Kai Tong
A worship leader and local preacher of Grace Methodist Church, Ong Kai Tong briefly shares his journey in worshipping God and encourages us to do so in all seasons of life.
会长:心灵相簿 The President’s Gallery
Author: Rev Dr Gregory Goh Nai Lat | 吴乃力牧师(博士)
“Brothers and sisters, what does washing one another’s feet mean to you today? Who do you want to wash feet for? Are you willing to act in humility? And are you willing to let others wash your feet?
弟兄姐妹,彼此洗脚今天对你来说是指什 么?你要为谁洗脚?你愿意谦卑去行吗? 还有,你愿意让人为你洗脚吗?”
信徒广场 The Christian Arena
Serving as the LCEC Chair
Author: George Loh
George Loh shares his journey serving as an LCEC Chair – the blessings received and the lessons learnt. He encourages us to seek God in navigating different areas of church ministry and reminds us why and who we are doing it for.
教牧广场与堂会事工 Pastoral & Church Ministries
成为一座“灯塔” – 天道堂社区外展事工
作者: 林国辉传道
年会与各部事工 Conference & Board Ministries
Dear Church Admins, Thank You <3 – CAC Local Church Admin Appreciation
Lunch & Fellowship
Author: CAC
Over 30 of our local church admins gathered together for a full-day Admin Appreciation Lunch & Fellowship! The gathering was a rare opportunity for participants to meet, connect and have a good time with church staffs from outside of their own church.
会督信息 Bishop’s Message
神学天地 Theological
Coming Soon
其他 Others
Founding Executive Director at Our Father’s World, Dennis Tan, shares with us how we as Christians and the Chinese Annual Conference can and should start caring for creation.